The best way to support Freewheel this holiday…

…is to make a tax-deductible donation to support our classes and community!

2021 has been a huge year for us. This was our first full year in our first-ever dedicated location, the Madison Bicycle Center – and you’ve helped us spread our wings and fly.

With your help, we survived the ongoing obstacles of supply chain issues and the covid pandemic, and we’ve had a better year than we ever imagined. But we’re looking to do even bigger things in 2022 – and we can’t do it without your support.

In the coming year, our community needs things like:

  • expanded hours of operation at the Madison Bicycle Center, including more mornings, evenings, and weekends to better welcome working people and students
    more regularly-scheduled classes after-hours and on weekends, including Build-a-Bike, open shops, and our Women/Trans/Femme class
  • more volunteer days, where people can learn to tune up bikes while helping our community
  • more friendly and skilled staff members to assist our students and volunteers
  • the opening of the Madison Bicycle Center to members, to eliminate obstacles to commuter cycling downtown.

We have big dreams this coming year. Can you help us out? Even a small donation makes a BIG difference, and helps us keep our doors open to students and volunteers during our slow winter season.

Freewheel is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, registered with the IRS. Your donation is tax-deductible. Email us for a donation receipt!

Make your donation to Freewheel here!

We thank you in advance for your generous support of our work. We wish you a happy holidays and a joyful new year, and we hope to see you around the shop soon!